Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Now available: Adobe Reader 8

Download free Adobe® Reader® 8 software to more securely view, print, search, sign, verify, and collaborate on PDF documents, online as well as offline, from your home or office.

Adobe Reader 8 offers:

A new interface, new tools, and more options

Maximize your screen real estate. Reader 8 has a completely redesigned interface, new tools, and a host of new options for viewing information more efficiently.

Access to an online, real-time meeting in seconds

Reader 8 is now integrated with Adobe Connect™ software, which enables users to instantly communicate and accelerate approvals with virtually anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Better protection of your workflows and transactions

Add more security to your documents, forms, and drawings with digital signatures. Leverage Adobe LiveCycle® Policy Server and the new Adobe Online Services Document Center with Reader 8 to enforce access rights at the document level.


For immediate release


Anonymous said...

widih... keren abis dah. adobe acrobat yang versi 7 ajah udah keren abis. apalagi yang versi 8.

download dulu ach.
thanks mas atas informasinya.

Anonymous said...
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formilist said...

diantara teman-teman udah ada yang nyobain adobe acrobat reader v.8 ?
share dong reviewnya disini.


ria said...

wah, saya ketinggalan jauh dong berarti. saya masih pake yang 6, tapi yang professional.

cobain dulu ah yang versi reader nya.